જૂન 29, 2023

Last love

Last Love After hearing this word, who is the first love in everyone's mind, the question arises....so that you don't get into more trouble, let me tell you that if you have read my first book, Mara Prem, then you will know that it is my first love.  If you haven't read it, take some time and read it.

- Manojbhai Solanki

{looking for love}

Now, before I show you about my last love, let me tell you that if love happens only once, where did this last love come from? I was looking for love since childhood, but I could not find true love anywhere.  Many girls have come and gone but I did not find the love I was looking for. I was looking for a holy love. Lust free love has not yet been found in this life.  ,and hide his realness, or reveal everything....showing his realness but loved and tried to get love but still no character who can understand me......many characters in my life  All came and parted for what reason, all in terms of love to you and people I have made a book to explain.. No attraction, no fear, no anger, no infatuation, no pride, no jealousy, because of all these vices, I have left myself as a girl, or if you leave me, I have left you as a character.  ....

While searching for love, I came to know about Rashi, Jyotish, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Kundli, and the definition of love.  What's wrong, I started to know all this ... Yes my first love why I had to leave it will also be known in a few days in the book called My Prem....

With all this knowledge, one thing is known for sure that the true meaning of love is surrender.. But the important thing is what to surrender?  One last time I searched for someone to love...

Now I was looking for a character who hates love, who doesn't believe in love, because one has to explain love before one can love..because I believed that...”  No one has ever loved.  And a character who has never seen pain in love falls in love soon. And such a character misunderstands attraction as love".. So I didn't need such a character.. Now some 2 lovers get separated for some reason.. I didn't think it was right to love such a lover because "leaving their own character, they are soon looking for another character to burn the character in front of them, and show them, make them angry.  Without understanding love, one falls in love quickly because of anger towards the opposite character".  A girl came and seeing her reminded me of my bus journey.

About 5 years ago when I was traveling in a bus, a face came in front of me. Serious face, what kind of face did you have?

If you have a smiling face that always makes you want to talk to someone, whether you are sad or happy, whatever time you see them.

Sad faces are seen at any time, whether happy or sad, they only appear in a lot of pain, tension, with which they don't feel like talking and such people live alone most of the time..so no one

When you see a serious face, you feel afraid of talking to him, sitting or standing near him, you feel afraid that someone will speak now (for example, if you want to make a mistake in front of your father, maybe your father will find out and speak.  So we get scared when we see a serious face..there are so many faces...let's just talk about it..I liked that serious face because in his face I had my first love.  The face looked as if she was angry because whenever my first love was angry she used to make such a face and I was scared to even talk.. Now I was very curious to know who this serious face was and who it was I went to her.  I was afraid to talk but I don't know why I felt like talking, I couldn't speak  The bus was still moving and his eyes were on the windows and I was on him... After about half an hour he looked at me for less than half a second and then he didn't look at me once and I looked at him for about an hour and a half. And suddenly the bus stopped and she got off there. I was so lost in seeing her that I forgot to see where she got off at the station. And after five years, this face came to my village to work as a doctor. Nature did not know what kind of game she was playing. From the place where she came to work, there was a shop in front of me. Now she is in front of my eyes. So I was very happy because the joy was not enough in my heart

 The last time I wanted to love someone I found a character whose name I didn't even know..so I went straight to her to know the name but she was a new comer so she was busy talking to everyone, a lady from our village. He asked if Ben is your name...then he said my name is Anshu....and as soon as I heard the name I came straight to my shop and I shouted so many times from the slow sound coming and going on the road...Anshu... Chanted the name but did not know when it started and when the chanting of the Anshu name ended.....

 Now only one hope, and dream that when we meet in love, when he falls in love with me..

 Who is Anshu...? Where did you come from? And will he love me? And does true love mean understanding... I will tell all this in the next part... Radhe Radhe

 - Manojbhai Solanki 

How did you start loving yourself and being confident?

 Loving oneself starts with no reason or with no method, it's natural, it's normal, does anyone teach a baby in the womb of a mother how to love!!?? The babu loves the mother unconditionally, and he/she as an infant doesn't need “how to” or any “know how”..The love is in the very Nature of the humans as well animals

How do you see love in yourself

Ah, love. It's a complex and beautiful thing, isn't it? Seeing love in yourself can be a truly enlightening experience. It's about recognizing and embracing the love that resides within you, and understanding how it manifests in your thoughts, actions, and relationships.

First and foremost, self-love is the foundation upon which everything else builds. It's about accepting and embracing yourself for who you are, flaws and all. Remember, it's okay to have flaws – they make you human. Start by cultivating a positive self-image and practicing self-care. Treat yourself with kindness, respect, and compassion. Celebrate your achievements, big or small, and learn from your mistakes without being too hard on yourself. Remember, no one is perfect!

Next, pay attention to the things that bring you joy and make you feel alive. What activities make your heart sing? What hobbies or interests make time fly by? Engaging in these activities not only shows self-love but also allows you to connect with your true passions and desires. This is where you'll often find love in yourself.

Love is not just about romantic relationships; it extends to the way you interact with others. Notice how you treat people – friends, family, colleagues, even strangers. Are your actions rooted in kindness and empathy? Do you genuinely care about their well-being? Seeing love in yourself means being mindful of how you impact others' lives.

When you see love in yourself, it becomes easier to spread that love to others. So, take the time to look within, embrace your own capacity for love, and let it shine brightly. You deserve it, and the world needs it.

                                 _   MANOJBHAI  

                                     {Prem ni shodh ma 🌹}

મારી અડધી જીંદગી સુધી મે પ્રેમ ની તલાશ માં વિતાવી નાખી....મારું બચપણ અને જવાની પ્રેમ ની શોધ માં ગઈ..

છેલ્લો પ્રેમ 4(એક ભૂલ)

નમસ્તે મિત્રો કેમ મજામાં... છેલ્લો પ્રેમ 4 માં હવે આગળ વધી એ પહેલા એક વાત કહી દવ કે જ્યારે પ્રેમ માં હોવ ત્યારે ભૂલ થી પણ કોઈ ભૂલ ના થાય તેન...